Thursday 10 May 2012

Who ever said life was going to be easy?

Who told you life was going to be your fantasies?

Who told you she really loves you, maybe its something else that interest him/her?

Who ever said being educated will guarantee success and wealth?

Who told you, you will be alive to see your # 30th birthday?

Who ever said prince charming was is going to charm you forever!

Who told you blue is blue and white is white?

Who told you they is a Heaven and hell?

Who ever told you being intelligent will gain you recognition?

Who told you being good looking is all you need in the bigger world?

Who told you allowing him sex will keep him?

Who told you your money will keep her happy forever.

Who told you, you are not blessed?

Who ever told you life was going to be a beds of roses? (I know better)

Who told you born a man and growing to be one is easy (Hardest task on earth, depends on how you see it)

Who told you that smile meant well?

Who told you your positive attitude and believe won't get you places?

Who told you that there is no supreme being mediating the affairs of mankind?

Who says prayers, hard work,sincerity courage don't work?

"Cast away your doubts and face what life has to offer, grab it the best you can, cos life did not promise us all the same thing"